Plugins and modules can provide custom controllers (opens new window) to Craft installations. They can also extend built-in controllers via behaviors.
For the most part, Craft controllers behave the same as they do in Yii, so everything in the Yii documentation (opens new window) still applies—this page is concerned primarily with additional features that are Craft-specific.
# Creating a Controller
Controllers should live within the controllers/
directory of your plugin or module’s base source folder, and must include a Controller
suffix in their class and filename (i.e. LeadController
and LeadController.php
Craft controllers should extend craft\web\Controller (opens new window), which offers a few advantages over its parent, yii\web\Controller (opens new window):
- You can decide when the controller should allow “anonymous” access by overriding $allowAnonymous (opens new window). (An active user session is required by default.)
- If an exception is thrown by a controller action and the request accepts a JSON response, the response will automatically be formatted as JSON, with an
key. - It provides several helper methods that ease development.
If you’re working on a module, its base class’s $controllerNamespace (opens new window) property must set the right namespace for your controllers. Plugins handle this for you, automatically.
The $controllerNamespace
property is ultimately evaluated as a path alias but it should not include a leading @
. You may encounter errors if the first segment of the “namespace” is not a valid alias—for example, mymodule\\controllers
will only work if the @mymodule
alias is already defined, and points to your module’s directory.
# Actions
Controllers themselves don’t provide any functionality without actions. Actions are methods on a controller that begin with action
, like actionLogin
or actionSave
An action is responsible for gathering information about the request and generating a response. In the process of serving a request, you might access:
- Values passed via route params;
- POST body params;
- GET query string params;
- HTTP headers;
- Session data;
Typically, actions return a craft\web\Response (opens new window) object—but they can also return null
as a means of handing control back to Craft and routing to whatever path was originally requested (ignoring the incoming action
param). As a convenience, craft\web\Controller (opens new window) includes a number of request validation and response factory methods.
A basic controller looks like this:
namespace mynamespace\controllers;
use craft\web\Controller;
class WidgetsController extends Controller
protected array|bool|int $allowAnonymous = true;
public function actionEcho()
return $this->asJson(['ping' => 'Pong!']);
# Routing
There are several ways to access your controller action in a request, which you can use within your own control panel features, and in documentation of developer-facing features.
Information on using controller actions lives in the main documentation. Everything that applies to built-in controllers holds true for those provided by a plugin.
# Action Params
Passing an action
param in a GET request’s query string or a POST request’s body lets you tell Craft exactly what controller and action you want to run.
The most common way to do this is with an HTML form, but it’s also possible via Ajax:
<form method="POST">
{{ csrfInput() }}
{{ actionInput('my-plugin/widgets/save') }}
{# ... #}
# Action Paths
Craft will route requests using a specific “action path” format to the matching action:
Action Trigger + Plugin/Module Handle + Controller Name + Action Method
curl -X POST https://my-project.tld/actions/my-plugin/widgets/save
Each URL segment follows Yii’s conventions (opens new window) and is lower-kebab-cased:
- Plugin Handle: From composer.json or config/app.php, for modules;
- Controller Name:
; - Action
The Action Trigger is the only exception to this rule, and can be customized with the actionTrigger config setting. This setting has no effect on the action
# Control Panel Routes
Many plugins that provide functionality via the control panel will want to register a bundle of sensible, human-readable routes.
In your plugin’s init()
method, listen for the craft\web\UrlManager::EVENT_REGISTER_CP_URL_RULES (opens new window) event:
use craft\web\UrlManager;
use craft\events\RegisterUrlRulesEvent;
use yii\base\Event;
function(RegisterUrlRulesEvent $event) {
$event->rules['widgets/new'] = 'my-plugin/widgets/edit';
$event->rules['widgets/edit/<id:\d+>'] = 'my-plugin/widgets/edit';
// ...
Here, the key represents the user-facing “path” (what will appear in the address bar of their browser), and the value is an action path.
The second rule here defines a named parameter (id
), which will be mapped to the target action. We will cover route params, next!
# Site Routes
Plugins should generally avoid setting site URL rules. Instead, document common actions that developers may need, and encourage use of the actionInput()
Twig function or routes.php
to route requests:
return [
'rate-widget' => 'my-plugin/widgets/submit-review',
# Routes with Params
Through the magic of reflection (opens new window), Yii automatically maps route and query params into action arguments that share a name. For example, an action with this signature…
namespace mynamespace\controllers;
use craft\web\Controller;
class WidgetsController extends Controller
public function actionEdit(?int $id = null)
// ...
…will automatically receive the id
parameter from a request to ?action=my-plugin/widgets/edit&id=42
In the previous section, we registered two control panel URL rules, the second of which included a named parameter (opens new window) pattern (my-plugin/widgets/edit/<id:\d+>
) matching any numeric value; that value will be passed to our action as though it were a query param (so long as the named parameter matches an argument).
# Handling Requests
A controller action’s primary job is to handle an incoming web request and generate an appropriate response.
# Request Validation Methods
craft\web\Controller (opens new window) offers several methods you can call from within your actions, to validate the current request:
Method | Description |
requireLogin() (opens new window) | Requires that a user is logged in. |
requireGuest() (opens new window) | Requires that the user is anonymous. |
requireAdmin() (opens new window) | Requires that the user is logged in with an Admin account. |
requirePermission() (opens new window) | Requires that the user is logged in with an account that has a given permission. |
requireAuthorization() (opens new window) | Requires that the user has been granted authorization to do something (whether or not they are logged in). |
requireElevatedSession() (opens new window) | Requires that the user has an elevated session. |
requirePostRequest() (opens new window) | Requires that the request was sent as a POST request. |
requireAcceptsJson() (opens new window) | Requires that the request was sent with an Accept: application/json header. |
requireToken() (opens new window) | Requires that the request was sent with a token (opens new window). |
requireCpRequest() (opens new window) | Requires that the request URI begins with the control panel trigger. |
requireSiteRequest() (opens new window) | Requires that the request URI doesn’t begin with the control panel trigger. |
Generally speaking, these checks should occur at the top of your action methods:
public function actionFoo()
// This action should only be available to the control panel
// ...
Perform request validation in your controller’s beforeAction()
method to enforce it for all actions.
Craft requires a valid CSRF token for any POST requests. This can be disabled for an entire controller by overriding its $enableCsrfValidation
property, or just for a specific action:
public function beforeAction($action): bool
// Don’t require a CSRF token for incoming webhooks:
if ($action->id === 'receive-webhook') {
$this->enableCsrfValidation = false;
return parent::beforeAction($action);
Only disable CSRF validation when you have some other means of validating the authenticity of a request, like a webhook signature or shared secret.
# Sending Responses
You may want to send different types of responses based on request conditions. All of the following situations involve calling the appropriate response factory method and returning the result.
# Rendering Templates
Controller actions can render and return Twig templates using craft\web\Controller::renderTemplate() (opens new window).
use yii\web\Response;
use craft\web\View;
public function actionFoo(): Response
$variables = [
'bar' => 'baz',
// Render and return the plugin’s `foo.twig` template
return $this->renderTemplate(
craft\web\Controller::renderTemplate() (opens new window) calls craft\web\View::renderPageTemplate() (opens new window) internally, which ensures all registered assets are added to the rendered HTML—then it will set the Content-Type
header on the response, based template’s extension, or text/html
when a MIME type can’t be determined.
Plugins automatically get a template root that exposes templates in their templates/
directory, but modules must explicitly register a template root.
# Registering Assets
To register an asset for inclusion in a rendered page, call one of the craft\web\View (opens new window) methods:
Calling… | Registers… |
registerJs() (opens new window) | …a block of JavaScript code. |
registerJsFile() (opens new window) | …a <script> tag, with the provided value as its src attribute. |
registerCss() (opens new window) | …a block of CSS code. |
registerCssFile() (opens new window) | …a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag with the provided value as its href attribute. |
registerLinkTag() (opens new window) | …an arbitrary <link> tag. |
registerAssetBundle() (opens new window) | …everything in the provided asset bundle. |
Some methods support passing one of the View::POS_*
constants to determine where it is registered, or use an asset bundle to declare dependencies to ensure scripts are output in the correct order.
# Returning JSON
Controller actions can explicitly return JSON responses using yii\web\Controller::asJson() (opens new window).
use Craft;
use yii\web\Response;
public function actionFoo(): Response
return $this->asJson([
'foo' => true,
If your action is only intended for use by clients expecting JSON, the request should include an Accept
header, and the action should call craft\web\Controller::requireAcceptsJson() (opens new window).
Alternatively, craft\web\Controller::asSuccess() (opens new window) and craft\web\Controller::asFailure() (opens new window) may be more appropriate, as they will automatically determine the best format for a response—and they keep the structure of the response consistent.
# Redirection
Controller actions can redirect the request using craft\web\Controller::redirect() (opens new window).
use yii\web\Response;
public function actionFoo(): Response
return $this->redirect('bar');
Or, if the request may contain a hashed redirect
param, you can redirect to that using craft\web\Controller::redirectToPostedUrl() (opens new window).
use yii\web\Response;
public function actionFoo(): Response
// Redirect the request based on a 'redirect' param
return $this->redirectToPostedUrl();
If the controller action is saving something, you may want to allow forms’ redirect
params to include dynamic tokens such as {id}
, which should be replaced with the object’s attribute values. To support that, pass the object into redirectToPostedUrl() (opens new window).
use yii\web\Response;
public function actionFoo(): Response
// ...
// Redirect the request based on a POSTed 'redirect' param,
// which can contain entry attribute tokens, such as {id}:
return $this->redirectToPostedUrl($entry);
# Success and Failure states
For any requests that deal primarily with a single model, you can indicate success and failure states (say, saves or validation errors, respectively) with craft\web\Controller::asModelSuccess() (opens new window) and craft\web\Controller::asModelFailure() (opens new window).
These methods combine aspects of the options above, constructing a response based on the Accept
header, issuing a redirect, or setting flashes and route params. Check out the model lifecycle section for an example of them in use.
The lower-level craft\web\Controller::asSuccess() (opens new window) and craft\web\Controller::asFailure() (opens new window) methods accomplish much the same thing, but don’t require a model.
# Sending Files
Actions can also return entire files, rather than HTML or JSON:
return $this->response->sendFile(Craft::getAlias('@storage/path/to/temp-file.pdf'), 'Your Invoice.pdf', );
// ...or...
return $this->response->sendContentAsFile($csv, 'report.csv');
Note that these methods are accessed via the craft\web\Response (opens new window) stub attached to the controller.
# Control Panel Screens
When working with control panel views, you can construct a context-agnostic response by calling craft\web\Controller::asCpScreen() (opens new window). In doing so, you allow Craft to format the response as a complete HTML document, or just the fragment required for a slide-out. The universal element editor makes extensive use of this.
To set up a response, call the asCpScreen()
method from an action:
$response = $this->asCpScreen()
->docTitle("Edit {$widget->name}")
// ...
return $response;
See craft\web\CpScreenResponseBehavior (opens new window) for a complete list of methods used to prepare the response object. Keep in mind that some properties are only used one context or another, but that the response can (and should) be configured without needing to know which context is being targeted!
# Model Lifecycle
This section expands on concepts covered in models and validation, with a focus on the implementation of the underlying actions. Examples here will conform to the patterns discussed in that user-facing documentation.
Craft extends parameterized URL rules to help maintain continuity while editing models. In cases where a validation error prevents a model from saving, you’ll want to provide the user an opportunity to view and correct issues.
In this exercise, we’ll assume your plugin defines two URL rules for the control panel, like the examples above:
for creating aWidget
for editing an existingWidget
When a user arrives at widgets/new
(or admin/widgets/new
, more accurately), we will present them with a form to create a new Widget
. If there are no issues with their submission, they’ll be redirected to the new widget’s edit URL (widgets/{id}
). If there is an issue creating the widget (or updating it, later), we’ll drop them back where they started—for new Widget
s, that would mean the new
path; for existing Widget
s, their edit URL.
# Presentation Routes
To support this workflow, both rules must be mapped to a single “edit” action capable of handling both new and existing records. The action will have two arguments—one that corresponds to the id
param from our edit route, and one that will receive a dynamically-set widget
param. Let’s look at how this is set up, in practice:
public function actionEdit(?int $id = null, ?Widget $widget = null)
$widgets = MyPlugin::getInstance()->getWidgets();
// Do we have an incoming Widget ID from the route?
if ($id !== null) {
// Was a Widget model passed back via route params? It should take priority:
if ($widget === null) {
// Nope, let’s look it up:
$widget = $widgets->getWidgetById($id);
if (!$widget) {
// Uh oh, they’re trying to edit something that doesn’t exist!
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested widget does not exist.');
} else {
// Ok, so we’re dealing with a “new” Widget… was one passed back via route params?
if ($widget === null) {
// Still no—let’s instantiate a fresh one so we have something to pass to the template:
$widget = new Widget();
return $this->renderTemplate('my-plugin/_widgets/edit', [
'widget' => $widget,
This one action can handle both the new
and edit
routes, defined earlier—including cases when the Widget
fails validation and is passed back to the original path. Here’s a breakdown of the possible combinations of route params that might be available and what scenario it might represent:
$id | $widget | Scenario |
Displaying a new form, with no prior submission. | ||
Displaying validation errors for a new Widget . | ||
Displaying a form for an existing Widget . | ||
Displaying a form with validation errors for an existing Widget . |
# Mutation + Validation
But how do we actually save a Widget
? This is handled in a separate action, bearing a familiar structure:
public function actionSave()
$request = Craft::$app->getRequest();
$widgets = MyPlugin::getInstance()->getWidgets();
// Is the user trying to edit an existing widget?
$id = $request->getBodyParam('id');
if ($id) {
// Ok, we’ve got an ID—let’s look it up.
$widget = $widgets->getWidgetById($id);
// Uh oh, it doesn’t exist!
// (Or maybe you decide they don't have permission to edit it...)
if (!$widget) {
throw new BadRequestHttpException('Invalid widget ID.');
} else {
// Ok, no ID was passed—looks like they want to create a new one:
$widget = new Widget();
// ...assign, update, and validate properties...
if (!$widgets->saveWidget($widget)) {
// Hand the model back to the original route:
return $this->asModelFailure(
$widget, // Model, passed back under the key, below...
Craft::t('my-plugin', 'Something went wrong!'), // Flash message
'widget', // Route param key
return $this->asModelSuccess(
$widget, // Model (included in JSON responses)
Craft::t('my-plugin', 'Widget saved.'), // Flash message
'widget', // Key the model will be under (in JSON responses)
'my-plugin/widgets/{id}', // Redirect “object template”
This implementation of actionSave()
doesn’t require route params to be bound to arguments—instead, it just looks for a POSTed id
value, and attempts to load the corresponding Widget
. Without an ID in the request, it just instantiates a new Widget
In the last return statement, you’ll notice a redirection object template, which is rendered after a widget is successfully saved—the format matches our original “edit” URL rule, meaning the user will be dropped at their newly created or updated Widget
edit screen.
Read more about the asModelSuccess()
and asModelFailure()
response factory methods.
# Forms
The final piece of this puzzle is the <form>
we use to display and update a Widget
<form method="POST">
{{ csrfInput() }}
{{ actionInput('my-plugin/widgets/save') }}
{# Our `widget` may be new, so it won’t always have an ID: #}
{% if %}
{{ hiddenInput('id', }}
{% endif %}
{{ input('text', 'name', }}
{# It may also have come back with validation errors attached: #}
{% if widget.hasErrors('name') %}
<span>{{ widget.getErrors('name') | join(', ') }}</span>
{% endif %}
<button type="submit">Save Widget</button>
Notice that we aren’t setting an action
attribute on the form! This means that if the widget is isn’t saved successfully, the request will fall through to the same route the user submitted the form from (in this case, mapped to the my-plugin/widgets/edit
action), allowing them to pick back up with the model intact. If it was successful, Craft will redirect to the rendered object template (fourth argument to asModelSuccess()
at the end of actionSave()
You may still define an action
attribute on your form when it exists at a different path from the primary editing page. The “Quick Post” dashboard widget is representative of this pattern—a minimal form is presented in one context, but errors are displayed elsewhere, after submission.
# Exceptions
Craft automatically handles exceptions that bubble out of an action, and will present an error to the client—but only subclasses of yii\base\UserException (opens new window) will display the actual message.
Yii provides yii\web\HttpException (opens new window), which can be thrown with a specific statusCode
to set it on the response. Specific subclasses like yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException (opens new window) should be used when available.
Do not throw HttpException
s anywhere but web controllers. If you want to indicate an internal failure, catch and re-throw an appropriate HttpException